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Builders Cleaning & Sparkle Cleaning Services

Builders Cleans and Sparkle Cleans, Ashford, Kent

Carrying out builders cleaning is a fairly specialist task that is required after building work has been carried out.  Having any building work carried out is a messy and disruptive process which creates, what seems to be, a never-ending amount of very fine dust that gets everywhere, even inside closed cupboards, wardrobes etc. 

Our cleaning team has been working closely with customers who have had builders and other tradesmen in, directly with builders and building companies and even with landlords and property agencies since 2004.  We are confident to say that we know exactly what is expected with a builders cleaning service.  We clean professionally and to a very high standard, that is our job, that is what we are paid to do, but with that we also want our customers to know that with any builders cleaning it is not a one hit fix.  To truly control the dust it takes time, which is why we recommend a follow up sparkle clean, generally within the same week as the initial clean – but after the last builder has left the property.

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